Saturday, September 30, 2017

Preparing for the Adventure

Our little group did meet as planned and we got everyone's characters drawn up.  Schedules are a little hectic right now so we don't have a date picked yet for our first actual game session because of that but we're planning on it being this week or next week.

That's okay though because I've still got a lot of work to do to get ready.  Since Katarina has no D&D experience and Josiah only has a little I'm going to be using Roll20 to display some images on our tv while we play.  I'm doing this because I don't just use the standard fare of orcs and zombies for my players to go up against and I want to give them a visual of what they are fighting.  Since I'm already putting those images on Roll20 for them I've got some images of certain NPCs they'll encounter and a few scenes to inspire their theater of the mind.

I'm also refining my old Youtube playlist that I have which has mood music and background sounds that I like to have going while we play.

I've got a few props I need to make as well before we play.  They will be starting in the city of Ravensrest that is part of the world I created and we've played a majority of our adventures in.  Unlike the very first time I used this city, where I had the PCs explore the city and the players had to create their own map key, these PCs are familiar with the city.  I'm going to print them off the extensive map key to the city but I want to make it appear like it's on parchment.  I have a blog post that describes how I do this, you can use old coffee or tea.  There are also a couple of other items I need to print off and age/make into parchment, one of which I'd like to do a wax seal on but I have to see if I have something in my craft box that will work to make the seal.

My old DM binder that I used fell apart so I bought a new one but if I have time I want to get all crafty on it and transform it into something with more of a D&D feel.  If I do get to that I'll post pictures.

Lots to do before we begin our adventure.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good. Sometimes letting players have "area knowledge" makes things easier for the DM. This is 5r, right?


Preparing for the Adventure

Our little group did meet as planned and we got everyone's characters drawn up.  Schedules are a little hectic right now so we don...