Monday, June 1, 2015

The Flailing Barbarian

Last night's session began with a plague of technical difficulties which put us all in a flippant mood. After we got over our microphone difficulties we discovered that roll20 is in the middle of revamping their character sheets so all of the player characters and my NPC's were all messed up. We overcame these issues and moved on with the session. It was just one of those nights though.

They began the night on the outskirts of the surface drow town they had been hired to go to. In order to get there, they had to cross a less than spectacular bridge. This began Hal's night of horrible rolls. Near the end of the bridge he fell through. He then failed his check to grab onto the bridge as he fell. He did manage to grab onto some rocks on the side of the cliff to keep himself from falling to his death. Then he failed his dex check to retrieve his rope and hook from his backpack and lost his rope down the chasm. After all of this Tyr lowered his rope over the edge allowing Hal to grab on and be pulled up. There was some joking and some cursing, during which Tyr rolled a sleight of hand check to tie a rope onto Hal's belt, he then proceeded to kick the halfling over the cliff and let him dangle a moment before pulling him back up.

They took care of the niceties in town and then headed off into the cave system. The cave opens into a dwarf mining operation that has a series of catwalks leading all over it. Our pour halfing was as nibble as a rhino on rollerskates. Again he failed his check to make it across the crosswalks. By this point Carter had had enough of the fumbling barbarian and picked him up and carried him across the remaining catwalks.

The group then encountered a group of goblins who demanded gold from them in order to pass. Figuring they'd be able to make quick work of goblins they declined to give up any gold and engaged them. For the most part, they did well but then the goblins started to make mince meat out of Tyr, hitting him several times in a row. In the end, only the goblins died.

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