Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sexy Orcs

We haven’t played in a little bit because I was in the hospital but we finally got back to playing last night.  It felt so good to get back in the fray.  We just don’t get to play enough.  Our campaign is nearing its panicle though and I’m looking forward to it.

Since it’s been a while I’ll give a quick recap of what’s happened.  Tannis had come back to his home town with his prize so that he could have the hand of his love, Amara, in marriage.  Her father had no intention of honoring his word and sent the party to another dimension.  There they met an uncle and niece, Ri-el and Ki-el, who offered to help them.  They led them to a potion store run by a woman who was said to be able to send them back to their dimension.  Unfortunately, the woman had been abducted and it looked as if she had been taken to the caves outside of town.  The party has been working their way through the caves and thus far had avoided confrontation and even found help from a fae-dueragar. 

This is where we picked up our journey last night.  The party was faced with three tunnels, the first path they chose led them to a round cave whose only contents was a chest chained to a skeleton.  They unlocked the chest and found a couple of potions.  Finn decided to check for a false bottom which the chest had.  Inside he found hand drawn pinup pictures of orc women.

They then found the right tunnel and came to a bridge which had a magical trap.  They didn’t check for any so they triggered it and became entangled in vines.  They managed to break their way out, except Hal’s halfling who had to be extracted by Tyr’s goliath cleric.

Eventually they came to an underground temple with a winged statue on the front.  The cleric tried to get a sense of the temple, he was unfamiliar with the goddess but he sensed that the temple had the air of the fallen.  They did not make it to the door though as they were attacked by 15 harpies.  It was a constant battle for them to avoid being charmed by the harpies’ songs.  Finn (Tyr’s shifter) and Tannis (Carter’s ranger) used strategy to bring the harpies down while the cleric tried to give the party advantage against the harpies’ songs.  Finn shifted into a giant eagle so that he was immune to their songs and made a single attack on one harpy and then flew to another to draw blood.  This meant that Tannis could target the injured harpies and use his colossal slayer to send the harpies’ dead bodies crashing to the ground around them.

We play again in two weeks the party will attempt to enter the temple and see what it has instore for them.

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Preparing for the Adventure

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