Friday, May 22, 2015

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, to the Underdark We Go

Things have been a little hectic lately and we've been hit or miss on playing which is why I've been lax in my posting. Last week we finished out the campaign, called Volk, that I based around Hal's cleric with an insatiable lust for killing the undead. I've noticed a trend in my campaign construction when my end villain isn't a dragon, I seem to make the uber “bad guy” a woman. I also tend to make evil NPC's women as well. It has something to do with the way I think. When you're driving down the road and someone's driving like a moron the average person will refer to the idiot driver as the opposite gender to themselves. I on the other hand always assume it's a woman and my husband always assumes they're a man. We're weird, what can I say, but I think it's the wiring in my brain. My players didn't bat an eyelash at the evil women NPC's but for some reason, a female necromancer at the end kind of threw them. They all expressed their shock and said from the way the quest had gone they were really expecting a guy.

This coming Sunday we move on to a new quest, most of which will take place in the Underdark nervous about this campaign. I shamefully admit I don't read the Drizzt books or the Dragonlance books, and I know nothing of Faerun, but all of my players do. Hal and Carter are a little familiar with the underdark and Tyr, my husband, is an underdark expert. I think I have a really good plot, but I'm afraid they won't find it up to snuff. I'm afraid I'll have something in the quest that they'll go, “that just wouldn't happen.” I've had Tyr give me an overview of the underdark. He's walked me through the levels, the races, fighting styles, monsters, and politics. Which I think has given me a pretty good handle on things. Still I'm nervous, I feel like I've got a lot to live up to and high expectations to meet. I've tried to read books that feature the underdark but to be honest I'm dyslexic and I can't read every old authors writing style. I do read, a lot, but books have to be written in certain styles for my brain not to turn them into a jumble. My plot seems pretty solid to me, though this one is a little different from my usual plot set up, more about that in another blog post. Despite my anxiety I'm really excited for this campaign, I think I'll be providing a rich experience that my players will be able to immerse themselves into. I'm always trying to get them to go deeper into their characters and I think this setting and plot will help them do just that.

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