Monday, July 27, 2015

No Hurt Feelings

I’m at a loss to describe last night’s session. It’s hard to fathom what words could describe it. Everyone had a good time and there was lots of laughing but it was definitely one of the oddest sessions we’ve had. They discussed amongst themselves the picking on of Hal’s character and Hal is okay with it. Though he’s made it clear that his character is holding a grudge against the other PCs. If he plays it out it could be quite an interesting plot device.

I was glad that they hashed it out, especially without prompting from me. This way they all know where each other is coming from and that their picking on Hal’s halfling isn’t dividing the group. It’s actually getting everyone more into their characters and they are really playing out how the PC’s are interacting with each other separate from the players. The role playing is getting better as they go.

They also found out last night that they failed in their mission. Of course, they weren’t happy but they are trudging on. They know I’m a tricky DM and they are rolling with what I through at them. Last night was really what I consider to be one of those transitional sessions; it existed merely as a device to get from one plot point to another. It’s next week’s session that I’m really looking forward to.

I’m nervous because next week I’m doing something that I haven’t done before. Played correctly it should provide an exciting night. Am I up to the task? It’s good to challenge yourself as a DM and it will definitely be a challenge. Hopefully I can play it well to give my players the best experience possible.

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