Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Combat Can Bore Me

This week’s blog is pretty short since I wasn’t over the moon for this week’s session.  I prefer the straight role playing parts of D&D to the straight combat parts.  The party is still in the thick of battle, which they will thankfully finish next session.  Hal is in his glory because he really plays just for combat, but I think Carter and Tyr are starting to feel the same way I do; that it’s time to move on from this.  This was the third week of straight combat and I’m so over it.

On top of the fact that I just generally don’t like combat as much as role playing I’m really getting frustrated with the 5e balance of things.  The PC’s are just so overpowered compared to the monsters and I do a lot of work tweeking things so that my players don’t walk through combat in three rounds.

The battle they are currently in pits them against two drow, two minotaur, two giant spiders, and a drow wizard who is the general of the army.    The players’ abilities are making it difficult for me to get anywhere near them but I have managed to dole out some damage between the wizard’s fireball and the minotaur’s brute strength.  It helped that I rolled well.  At least the guys keep things entertaining.  Tyr transformed his shapeshifter into a medium white dragon.  He and a minotaur are currently facing off.  Though I’m bored of battle it should be an interesting encounter to finish.

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