Monday, September 14, 2015

New Dimension

Last night Tannis (Carter’s ranger) was reunited with his love Amara.  The party entered Tannis’ hometown without any real incident; though his and the party’s presence defiantly gave the town gossips something to buzz about.  Tannis presented the chalice to Amara’s father, Lord Falafel. .  I know the name is ridiculous but it was the first thing that came to mind and it gave my players a good laugh.   He then went to the town garden to look for Amara who he found at the fountain, they had a touching reunion and Amara told Tannis that they must marry right away because she didn’t trust her father to not go back on his word. 

A feast was held that night in honor of the party bringing the chalice to Lord Falafel.  During the feast the lord sent a servant with a message to the party, they were to meet with Falafel in the morning to discuss wedding arraignments. 

When they arrived at Lord Falafel’s chambers he was not alone, there were four clerics with him.  Falafel began some chit chat about the wedding but as they talked the clerics sent the party through a dimension door and they landed on a street in a foreign town.  The whole party was disoriented but a girl motioned for them to follow her and not knowing what else to do they went along with her.  She explained that she saw them blink into existence, that this was not the first time she’s seen strangers come here from another dimension.  Ki-el, the helpful girl, led them to her uncle Ri-el’s house.  There the two of them explained to the party that they were in a town called Ilotha.  Here everything is powered by magic.  This is sort of a steam punk world where everything is powered by magic instead of steam.  Ri-el found clothes for the party and offered to take them to Saphris, a sorceress that could send them back to their dimension. 

That morning they proceeded to the potion shop that Saphris runs but the store was untended.  They wondered about the store taking in all of the unusual objects.  As they investigated they found one large white feather and they noticed that the door to the basement was cracked open.  In the basement stockroom they came across three pookas stealing some items.  Pookas (a type of fae) don’t exist in the MM, I created them for this quest.  Carter tried to talk to the pookas and told them to put down what they had but they just looked at him blankly because pookas don’t speak common.  Ri-el spoke their language and tried to get information out of them but he wasn’t getting anywhere with them so Argon (Tyr’s goliath cleric) cast tongues so he could speak with the pookas.  They aren’t very intelligent and answered his questions in one word.  He asked what happened to Saphris and they said, “fly.”  He asked where she went and they answered, “caves.”  Argon was very frustrated with the pookas but he suppressed the urge to just squash them his war hammer.  Ri-el told them that the pookas must mean the caves under the city.  He told them they must find her, because she is the only way he knows of to get back to their own dimension.

Next week Ri-el will take them to the entrance of the caves to begin their search for Saphris.

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